Blend of some buffers which provide alkali properties



White powder


IONIC CHARACTER               




ALKALY PWD NEW special alkaline product which includes some buffer could adjust pH for reactive dyeing and other alkaline processing. Thanks to special alkaline buffer agents and also gaining to alkaline properties agents contents, it could be used instead of soda and caustic which use for either alkaline wet process or balancing pH value.

The product could apply to every kind of fiber which made from nature and synthetic. The reason of low caustic soda durability, the product could apply on rejenere cellulose material successfully.


  • To be create a correct pH in dye bath
  • To keep a stable pH until finish the dyeing process


ALKALY PWD NEW provides these benefits as powder alkaline product. Soda ash and also caustic soda have some impurities and some heavy metals which could be created negative effect during dyeing process but ALKALY PWD NEW has remove all of negative effectiveness.   


Most important thing is stable pH adjustment and also correct pH should be protected during all reactive dyeing process. ALKALY PWD NEW is suitable the automation system.


USAGE AMOUNTS                 

Light Shades                                    : 0.5 – 1.0 g/l

Middle Shades                                 : 1.5 – 2.0 g/l

Dark Shades                                    : 2.0 – 3.0 g/l



According to water pH of the plant, ALKALY PWD NEW usage amount should be arranged for the process with pre-trials. 

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